We are manufacturer of spin flesh dryer This dryer is used for drying of cohesive and non-cohesive pastes and filter cakes, as well as high-viscosity liquids. Experts have made entire range as per set industry standards. Our experts use high grade components and latest techniques to manufacture this dryer. Clients can avail this dryer at a reasonable price.
Function and principle of operation
Feed System:
The feed system consists of a feed vat where a discontinuous flow of product is buffered and fragmented by an agitator prior to continuous drying. A variable speed feed screw forwards the product to the drying chamber.
Drying Chamber:
The rotor at the conical base of the drying chamber fluidizes product particles in a drying-efficient hot air flow pattern in which any wet lumps are rapidly disintegrated. Hot air is supplied by a temperature-controlled air heater and speed-controlled fan, entering the drying chamber at a tangent in order to establish a turbulent, whirling air flow.
Airborne, fine particles pass through a classifier at the top of the drying chamber, while larger particles remain in the air flow for further drying and powdering.
Benefits of Shalimar Spin Flash Dryers
- High drying efficiency and low energy costs
- Direct drying with no initial diluting
- Continuous processing with short drying time
- Low operator overheads and minimum maintenance costs
- Small footprint
- Pressure shock-resistant chamber for safe drying of organic products
- Available in GMP design
Special Features:
State of the art automation systems are available for Shalimar Spin Flash drying plants, enabling fully automatic control, process optimization, data logging, traceability, and maintenance scheduling.
Fields of Application
- Agrochemicals
- Ceramics
- Food and feed products
- Inorganic chemicals
- Organic chemicals
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pigments and dyestuffs
- Waste products
Capacity Profile:
Fields of Application
- 1 kg/h to 40 tons/h
- Spin Flash Dryer Designs available

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